Home Sweet Home Supportive Living will provide individualized care and treatment as outlined in the consumers Individualized Supportive Plan (ISP), Personal Center Plan (PCP), or Positive Behavior Support Plan.
All services provided by HSHSL are done so in accordance with the Department of Mental Health Home and Community Based Waiver Services, Host Homes and Shared Living environments.
Home Sweet Home Supportive Living is designed to deliver services that enriches and advocates for individualized independence and enhance the well-being of consumers with various disabilities. We strive to help consumers achieve their fullest potential!
Our state-licensed residential habilitation facilities offer individualized and comprehensive services, including:
- Ensuring up keep of living environment
- Monthly community RN assessments
- Banking, budgeting and money management
- Improving relationships with the community, family and friends
- Assistance with accomplishing self-determination goals
- Developing an exercise/fitness program
- If needed, assistance with activities of daily living (grooming, bathing etc.)
- Managing healthcare status, needs and appointments
- Utilizing opportunities to assist with job placement and or volunteer work
- Teaching how to use public transportation
- Assistance transitioning into the community
- Host Parenting
Home Sweet Home Supportive Living can also arrange for Restorative Care. These services assist our consumers in being the best that they can be. Our consumers have the ability to see higher levels of healing and restoration that enhances quality of life for the Mental Health and Developmental/Intellectual Disabled consumers.